The 9 Best AI Story Generators

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Writing a story isn't easy. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, sometimes, coming up with characters, plots, or even the next sentence can be tough. You have the ideas, but you don't know how to use them. And let's not forget about the infamous writer's block. This is where AI-powered story generators can help. They can help you get out of your writer’s block and get story-writing inspiration. But with so many AI story generators out there, how do you know which one to choose?

To make it easier for you, we've compiled a list of the 9 best AI story generators. These generators can assist you in creating anything from simple story starters to fully developed plots and characters.


  1. Best for fictional story writing: Sudowrite, "Helps generate ideas for fiction writers, develop characters, and construct narratives. Offers features like brainstorming, rewriting, and sensory descriptions.
  2. Best for non-fiction story writing:, "An AI-powered tool that supports non-fiction writers by generating well-researched content and structuring informative narratives."
  3. Best for generating all kinds of stories, plots, and characters:, "Versatile platform for creating diverse storylines, plots, conflicts, character backstory and more across multiple genres."
  4. For novel writing: NovelAI, "Writes long-form content, offering deep story development features and extensive writing aids."
  5. For short story writing: Toolbaz, "An easy-to-use tool designed to help writers quickly generate engaging short stories."
  6. For creative story writing prompts: Writecream, "A prompt generator that sparks creativity with a wide range of story starters and idea prompts."
  7. For story plot development: Hix.AI, "Provides comprehensive tools for plotting and structuring stories, helping writers map out intricate story arcs."
  8. Generators for story ideas:, "Offers a vast collection of story generators and writing resources to inspire and guide writers."
  9. For editing and proofreading: Grammarly, "An advanced AI editor that enhances and polishes your writing, ensuring clarity and correctness."

Recommended AI Story Generators

Sudowrite - Best AI Story Generator

Best for fictional story writing

If you're a fiction writer experiencing writer's block or need a spark of creativity to write your stories, Sudowrite is for you. It's an AI-powered writing tool that can help you brainstorm ideas, develop characters, create detailed descriptions of your fictional world or events, and even generate text in your writing style. You can use it to outline your story, expand short scenes, rewrite any part you don’t like, and convert your ideas into a final draft.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced author, Sudowrite has many features to help with your story-writing process.

  • You can use it when you're stuck thinking about what happens next. It can give you ideas to keep your story moving forward.
  • It can help you create deeper characters by suggesting ways to add more detail to your characters' personalities, backgrounds, and goals.
  • Whether you're just starting or stuck in the middle it can help you plan your plot and make sure your story flows well.
  • You can use it to help rewrite parts of your story you're having trouble with. It can suggest different versions that might work better in your story.
  • Sudowrite can also add sensory details to your writing. It can suggest descriptions that make your scenes more vivid with sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch.

While Sudowrite is a great assistant for writing fictional stories, sometimes the suggestions it provides might not suit what you were looking for. It can also be a bit pricey for some users who want access to all its features.

Best for non-fiction story writing is perfect for non-fiction writers who need help writing factual, research-based stories or books. With this tool, you can easily create well-researched content without spending hours looking things up. Just tell the AI what you want to write about, your preferred writing style, and how many chapters you want. Then, it helps you organise your ideas and write your story step by step. It's made just for non-fiction story writing, so it knows how to make your writing clear and interesting for readers who enjoy these kinds of books.

  • Simply input your topic, and it provides detailed and accurate information to build upon.
  • This tool helps you gather relevant data and facts, saving you time on research. It takes information from reliable sources, making sure your content is credible and up-to-date.
  • If you’re struggling to structure your narrative helps organize your ideas logically, making sure your content flows smoothly and is easy to follow.
  • Before writing, you can create detailed outlines with This helps you map out your content, making sure you cover all necessary points.
  • It also offers suggestions to improve the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of your story. is a great AI story generator for nonfiction writers, but it’s not without any limitations. Sometimes, it can offer incorrect information, so make sure you cross-check facts before finalizing anything. Its premium features can be quite expensive for some writers. Also, sometimes, it might not understand tricky topics or specific information very well. - Best AI Story Generator

Best for generating all kinds of stories, plots, and characters could be your go-to tool if you’re looking for a way to generate all kinds of stories, whether it’s fiction, nonfiction, horror, romance, comedy, etc. This platform has diverse genre options to choose from and offers AI-powered story generators for all your writing needs. It can help you come up with plot ideas, plot twists, conflicts, story starters, character backstories, and more. is a great story writing aid with many features like:

  • Each generator has several input options, such as choosing a genre and adding any character or story details like the story setting, topic, conflict, etc., to help you write the exact story you want.
  • It offers many other AI-powered generators to develop your plot further, adding twists, conflicts, and resolutions that keep readers hooked.
  • You can also create complex character profiles with rich backstories. There’s a character backstory generator to help you develop their personalities, motivations, and background.
  • Whether you’re writing fantasy, romance, horror, or any other genre, provides relevant suggestions to suit your needs.

While offers many helpful features for story writers, it's not without its drawbacks. The stories generated will need editing to make them tailored to your needs. Also, sometimes, the stories it creates might be on overused ideas or storylines, so you'll need to use your own creativity to make them stand out.


For novel writing

NovelAI is for those who want to write lengthy and detailed narratives easily. Whether you're starting from scratch or continuing an existing story, it provides text generation that fits your style. You can not only write novels but also convert your text into images. This helps you visualise your characters and scenes to write better. You can also control how the AI writes, making it more consistent or more random.

With NovelAI,

  • You can change the way the writing space looks to suit your needs. For example, you can use special fonts if you have trouble reading, choose easy-to-see colours, and make texts bigger or smaller.
  • You can also keep track of all the details in your story world, like information about characters, places, and important events.
  • Only you can see what you write, and everything you create belongs to you.
  • You can also write interactive stories where the reader makes choices, like in a game. There's a special way to set this up.
  • You can help the AI remember important things in your story, so it stays consistent as you write.

NovelAI has many helpful features for novelists, but there are a few drawbacks to note. If you want access to all its features, it can get pricey. Also, sometimes, the AI’s suggestions might not perfectly fit your vision.

Toolbaz - Best AI Story Generator

For short story writing

Toolbaz is perfect for those who want to write short, engaging stories quickly and easily. Based on your given input, it can write a short story in under seconds or give you a prompt to spark ideas. You can choose what kind of story you want to write, like a love story, a mystery, a science fiction tale, or a fantasy adventure. You can also include other information like character details, pov, story setting, story size, etc., according to your needs.

  • You can use the prompt generator, which is the main feature of Toolbaz. It gives you random ideas for stories, characters, and plot twists. These can help you start writing when you're stuck.
  • You can get ideas for stories, characters, and plot twists, making it one of the best AI story generators available.
  • You can also change the prompts to fit the kind of story you want to write. This makes Toolbaz useful for many different types of writing, from fantasy to mystery.
  • You can easily use Toolbaz because it's designed to be simple. Even if you've never used a writing tool before, you'll find it easy to understand and use.

While Toolbaz is great for getting quick story ideas, the generated content may be a bit too simplistic for more complex stories. Also, you might have to look into other options if you want more advanced writing tools or editing features.


For creative story writing prompts

Writecream is for those going through writer's block or who just need a fresh perspective to start off their writing. It’s an AI-powered prompt generator website that can give you creative writing prompts on any topic of your choice. You can also select the language you want the prompt in or choose a word count. It has unlimited prompts to help get your creative juices flowing. You can regenerate prompts until you find the one you like.

  • You can use Writecream to get different kinds of writing ideas. These include ways to start stories, ideas for characters, and suggestions for what happens in your story. This means you'll always have something new to write about.
  • You can choose the kind of ideas you want based on the type of story you like to write. Whether you enjoy love stories, mysteries, or stories with magic, Writecream can give you ideas that fit.
  • Writecream is simple to use, so you won't have to spend a lot of time learning how to use it, and you can focus more on your writing.

While great for generating prompts, Writecream lacks advanced writing and editing features for more complex writing projects. Also, some users might find the AI-generated prompts too random or not specific enough for their needs.

Hix.AI - Best AI Story Generator

For story plot development

Hix.AI is for you if you need a tool to develop and structure your story plots. You can use it to map out story arcs, plan character journeys, organize scenes, generate conflicts, check for any plot holes, build your story's world, and get AI-powered plot suggestions. For those seeking the Best AI Story Generator, Hix.AI provides the framework to build complex narratives and ensures that your story flows logically from start to finish.

  • You can create detailed story arcs from start to finish. It gives you tools to develop each important part of your plot, keeping your story interesting and making sense.
  • You can use it to create well-rounded characters with their own motivations, history, and growth arcs.
  • It helps you plan each scene, making sure they all fit into your story and help your characters grow.
  • Hix.AI also helps you come up with conflicts for your characters and ways to solve them, keeping readers interested.

Hix.AI is really good for planning story plots, but it's not without limitations. Since there are many detailed options, it can become overwhelming if you like to write without much planning. It also might take some time to learn how to use everything it offers.

Generators for story ideas is for writers who need a spark of inspiration or help to overcome their creative blocks. As one of the best AI story generators available, it offers AI-powered tools to generate story ideas, opening lines, plot outlines, character profiles, settings, and more. Whether you're a beginner looking to start writing or an experienced author who needs fresh ideas, has a variety of free generators to help you.

With this tool,

  • You can quickly get story ideas for different genres, like fantasy, horror, romance, and mysteries. This helps when you're stuck and can't think of what to write.
  • can also help you create interesting characters with better life stories and personalities.
  • There's a plot twist generator that can suggest surprise events for your story, making it more exciting and interesting.
  • If you just want a quick idea to start writing, there are story starter suggestions that can help you begin a new story or improve the one you're already working on.

While is a great tool for sparking creativity, it has some drawbacks. Like many AI tools, it doesn't always produce high-quality ideas, some may be more useful than others. Sometimes, the ideas it generates can feel common or overused, so you'll need to change them to make them more original.

Also, the content it creates is simple and not very detailed, so it's better for getting started rather than giving you a complete story. You'll still need to put in work to develop the ideas into full, unique stories.

Grammarly - Best AI Story Generator

For editing and proofreading

If you're a writer who wants to make sure your writing is clear, correct, and polished, Grammarly is for you. It's perfect for anyone who needs a reliable way to edit and proofread their work. It’s an advanced AI editor that not only checks your grammar but also improves your writing style. Instead of just pointing out mistakes, it offers suggestions to improve clarity, style, and overall quality, making your story more effective and engaging. For those seeking the Best AI Story Generator, Grammarly stands out for its comprehensive features.

  • It automatically detects and corrects grammar mistakes and typos, making sure your writing is error-free.
  • You get suggestions to make your writing clearer and easier to understand.
  • There’s also a tone detector to help you adjust the tone of your writing to fit your audience, whether it's formal, friendly, or somewhere in between.
  • You can also check your content for plagiarism and make sure it’s original.

Grammarly is a great help for writers of all kinds, but like any other tool, it also has a few limitations. While there is a free version, accessing all features requires a subscription. Sometimes, the tool might not fully understand the context and give you suggestions that don’t fit your intended meaning.