This Startup Simplifies Visa-Sponsored Job Hunts – Startup Review

In the relentless tide of the tech industry, where every second counts and the right opportunity can be as elusive as a shadow, tech professionals often swim against a tide of endless job listings, each with its own requirements. These professionals, from software developers to product managers, are not just looking for the next big break but also navigating the complex waters of visa sponsorship—a hurdle that can turn the job hunt from challenging to downright discouraging.

Enter, a beacon for those tech talents seeking to chart a course to new professional shores. Spearheaded by Vahid A. Nezhad, a seasoned navigator in the tech realm, harnesses the power of LLMs models to sift through the sea of job postings, pinpointing those with potential visa sponsorships. It doesn’t stop there; it tailors your CV for each opportunity, boosting your chances of landing that coveted interview.

This isn’t just about finding a job; it’s about paving a path to your next career adventure with precision and personalization. And for those who’ve ever felt the sting of rejection or the frustration of an unresponsive job market, offers a new horizon. We did an interview to find out how this startup is turning possibilities into opportunities for tech professionals worldwide.

What is is a navigational aid for tech professionals seeking employment in new locations. It’s designed to streamline the job search process, particularly for those requiring visa sponsorship. With an LLMs model at its core, sifts through startup job postings and predicts visa sponsorship eligibility, setting the stage for a successful job application.

Tech talents, from developers to designers, are the primary beneficiaries of this service. They’re often confronted with the daunting task of finding a company willing to sponsor their move. addresses this by identifying potential opportunities and customizing applicants’ CVs for each role, increasing the likelihood of landing an interview.

What sets apart is its dedication to simplifying the journey from job hunting to relocation. Instead of merely aggregating listings, it actively assists candidates in tailoring their applications to meet the specific needs of employers, thereby bridging the gap between opportunity and talent in the tech industry. Founders

Vahid A. Nezhad is the mind behind, steering the startup through the complex currents of the tech industry’s job market. His decade-long voyage in software product management and scaling startups has equipped him with a keen eye for the intricacies of tech recruitment, particularly for those facing the added challenge of securing visa sponsorships.

Nezhad’s journey began in Iran, where he navigated the tech sector’s turbulent waters for eight years as a Product Manager. His experiences there and the obstacles he observed in pursuing international job opportunities ignited a passion to aid his peers in the tech community. This drive led to the creation of, a venture that aims to smooth the path for tech immigrants striving to establish themselves in new professional landscapes, especially in Europe.

The inception of was marked by the search for a like-minded co-founder team, a quest that was as much about aligning visions as it was about complementing skills. The early days were about laying the foundation for a startup that would identify job opportunities and provide the tools for tech professionals to integrate and thrive in new environments.

Nezhad’s search for job opportunities with visa sponsorship sowed the seeds for The pilot program launched in Tehran and other tech hubs became a testament to the startup’s commitment to supporting the tech community. This personal connection to the problem at hand has shaped’s mission to facilitate the job search and relocation process for tech professionals globally.

Interview with Vahid A. Nezhad, Co-founder of

Diving into the world of innovative startups, I had the opportunity to sit down with Vahid A. Nezhad, Co-founder of, a platform that promises to revolutionize the job search for tech professionals. Here’s a glimpse into the inner workings of through the lens of its visionary co-founder.

Q: Could you tell us about your role at
A: I am Vahid A. Nezhad, and I represent as its Co-founder.

Q: How does assist tech professionals?
A: We’ve introduced a new tool that streamlines the job-hunting process for tech professionals. Using LLMs models, we collect job posts from startups and predict potential visa sponsorship eligibility. Then, we help candidates tailor their CVs for each job, boosting their chances of securing an interview.

Q: Who benefits most from your services?
A: Our target audience is broad, encompassing tech professionals like software developers, product managers, designers, and others within the tech industry.

Q: What problem does aim to solve?
A: The primary problem we’re addressing is simplifying the job search for those seeking visa sponsorship. We solve this by gathering job postings from trusted sources and customizing CVs for each job.

Q: What inspired you to create
A: My inspiration came from my own experiences in Iran’s tech industry and the challenges of securing job opportunities with visa sponsorship. With 8 years as a Product Manager, I’ve witnessed firsthand the hurdles tech immigrants face. Our pilot program in Tehran and other tech hubs reflects our commitment to helping tech professionals integrate and succeed in new environments, especially in Europe.

Q: Could you share some insights into the early days of
A: The early days were focused on finding a co-founder team that shared the same vision and establishing the startup’s foundation.

Q: How does differentiate itself from competitors?
A: We differentiate by streamlining the entire job hunting process, from finding job posts to assisting with relocation.

Q: Has received any external funding?
A: No, we have not received external funding yet.

Q: What are’s plans for the future?
A: We’re developing a custom AI trained on top CVs in the market to help job hunters excel in interviews. We’re also expanding our services to support settling into new locations after securing the job.

Q: How many customers does serve per month, and what’s the growth like?
A: Currently, we serve around 200 customers per month, and we’re aiming to reach 1000 paid customers, reflecting a significant year-over-year growth.

Q: Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
A: Don’t give up; just keep pushing forward. Every setback is a learning opportunity. Stay focused on your goals and believe in your abilities.

In a tech landscape where the quest for global talent is ever-intensifying, stands as a beacon of hope for tech professionals navigating the complex visa sponsorship terrain. With Nezhad at the helm, the startup is poised to become an indispensable resource for those looking to make their mark in the tech world, regardless of borders.

Feedough’s Take on emerges as a promising solution to a pressing challenge many tech professionals face—securing job opportunities with visa sponsorship. By leveraging advanced LLMs models to filter and tailor job searches, the platform increases efficiency and empowers candidates to present their best selves to potential employers. This personal touch in a digital process reflects a deep understanding of user needs, which is a hallmark of a startup poised for success.

Looking forward, integrating a custom AI for interview preparation could be a game-changer, further cementing’s role as a full-circle career facilitator. However, the journey doesn’t end at landing the job.’s future plans to assist with post-hire relocation could be the keystone to a truly disruptive service in the global tech job market.

As charts its course, it must navigate the complexities of international employment laws and cultural integration. The startup’s growth trajectory seems promising, with an ambitious goal of scaling its customer base. If continues to innovate and refine its services, it could very well redefine the way tech talent crosses borders in pursuit of career growth. Keep an eye on; it might just be the compass that guides the future of tech recruitment.