This Startup Uses AI to Make Your Website Smarter – Permar AI Startup Review

Every online marketing manager knows the grind: optimising websites and landing pages to maximise engagement and conversions can feel overwhelming. Current methods often require massive resources and time , leading to frustration and missed opportunities. From manual testing to endless revisions, the traditional approach doesn’t quite cut it anymore.

But what if there was a smarter way? Enter Permar AI — a startup that’s turning the tide by using automation to tackle these challenges head-on. By connecting to your content management system (CMS), Permar AI automatically generates landing pages, creates blog posts, and runs A/B tests, giving marketing teams the tools to optimise their websites in real-time.

This innovative approach not only streamlines the optimisation process but also puts data at the forefront, allowing businesses to make informed decisions that lead to better results. We did an interview with Matthias Strafinger, Co-Founder and CEO of Permar AI, to delve deeper into this exciting venture and explore the possibilities it brings for the future of online marketing.

What is Permar AI?

Permar AI is a cutting-edge solution designed specifically for marketing managers and businesses focused on enhancing their online presence. By automating the creation of landing pages, blog posts, and A/B tests, it addresses the common struggle of manual website optimisation, which can be time-consuming and resource-heavy.

The platform connects seamlessly to a user’s content management system (CMS) to simplify the optimisation process. Rather than spending hours on revisions or testing variations manually, users can push updates and run tests automatically. This automation not only saves time but also utilises data-driven insights, enabling marketing teams to make quick, informed decisions based on real-time performance metrics.

What sets Permar AI apart from other tools in the market is its continuous optimisation capability. As it engages with the data it collects, the software refines its processes, ensuring that content is always tailored effectively to meet audience needs. This iterative approach allows businesses to stay ahead in a competitive digital landscape, where adapting to changing trends is essential for success.

Permar AI Founders

Permar AI is powered by a dynamic founding team led by Matthias Strafinger and Matteo. Matthias, the CEO, carries a wealth of experience from his previous role at XXXLutz Group, one of the world’s largest furniture retailers. He was instrumental in scaling direct-to-consumer eCommerce initiatives during his tenure, which ignited his passion for streamlining business processes through technology.

Matthias Strafinger and Matteo

Matteo, the Chief Technology Officer, complements this skill set with a robust background in artificial intelligence and consulting. Before joining Permar AI, he held the position of Head of AI and served as a consultant at McKinsey. His expertise in data-driven approaches enhances the startup’s capability to provide innovative solutions for online marketing—ensuring the technical foundation is as strong as the business acumen behind it.

The early days of Permar AI were characterised by resource allocation challenges and a keen focus on overcoming budget limitations. The founding duo tackled these constraints head-on, meticulously refining their vision. They understood that the need for automated optimisation in marketing was not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how businesses must operate to thrive. This focus propelled them towards a seamless integration with content management systems, bridging the gap between manual efforts and automation.

The genesis of Permar AI stemmed from Matthias’s own experiences in the industry. Having faced the hurdles of growing a business and optimising a digital presence, he recognised a clear pain point for marketing managers everywhere. This insight, combined with Matteo’s technical expertise, formed the backbone of a solution that not only addresses current frustrations but anticipates the evolving needs of online businesses. Together, they laid the groundwork for a startup committed to transforming the online marketing landscape.

Interview with Matthias Strafinger, Co-Fonder and CEO of Permar AI

I recently had the chance to interview Matthias Strafinger, the Co-Founder and CEO of Permar AI. Here’s what he shared about his innovative startup and their approach to transforming online marketing.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and your role at Permar AI?
A: I am Matthias Strafinger, and I represent Permar AI where I hold the position of Co-Founder and CEO.

Q: Can you briefly explain what Permar AI does?
A: We help businesses optimise their websites through automated A/B tests, and generate landing pages and blog posts.

Q: Who is your target audience?
A: We help Marketing Managers improve their websites and online shops. We focus on companies that are dedicated to their online business.

Q: What primary problem does your startup address?
A: We focus on automating website improvements in a data-driven way.

Q: How does Permar AI solve this problem?
A: By connecting to your CMS and automatically pushing landing pages, blog posts, and testing different variants on your sites.

Q: Tell us about your company’s founding team.
A: I am the CEO and was previously the CEO of a subsidiary of XXXLutz Group, the second-largest furniture retailer in the world. My experience includes growing DTC eCommerce channels. Matteo, our CTO, is a former Head of AI and was a consultant at McKinsey.

Q: What inspired you to venture into this particular industry?
A: I experienced the pain of growing the business side myself and realised the need for a solution like Permar AI.

Q: What were the early days of the startup like?
A: They involved challenges with resource allocation and budget limitations. We had a stellar focus on refining our vision to meet those constraints.

Q: How do you differentiate your startup from competitors?
A: We offer a data-driven approach to content writing that continuously optimises itself.

Q: What is your startup’s valuation today?
A: We have a convertible note, so there is no priced round.

Q: How much did your recent funding round raise and how did it come about?
A: We raised £100,000.

Q: What are your startup’s plans for the future?
A: We plan to focus on APIs and integration to further CMS.

Q: Can you share some insights into your revenue and growth?
A: Our startup makes around £7,500 per month and serves about 198 customers on average monthly. We are a new startup, so we do not have year-on-year growth figures yet.

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?
A: Go out very fast. Focus on your distribution rather than the product.

Q: Are there any statistics you can share that relate to your industry and startup?
A: Yes, but the advice and detailed data will be more relevant to the specific queries readers have about our work and industry.

Feedough’s Take on Permar AI

Permar AI represents an exciting leap forward in the digital marketing realm. By automating traditionally labor-intensive tasks like A/B testing and content production, they not only expand operational efficiency but also enhance decision-making with real-time data insights. This dynamic combo promises a potent advantage for marketing teams aiming to keep pace with the rapid evolution of consumer behaviours online.

Looking ahead, the challenge for Permar AI will be to maintain this innovative edge as competitors catch up to automation trends. My suggestion? Continuous investment in AI advancements and integration capabilities could keep them steps ahead. Expect Permar AI to not just adapt to future digital marketing landscapes but to actively shape them.